What is RTA ?
Registrar and Transfer Agents (RTA) are SEBI-registered entities that provide services related to share registry maintenance and share transfer activities on behalf of companies that have issued shares to the public.
Rule 9A not only mandates the unlisted public company to dematerialise its securities but also its securities holders. If any security holder wants to transfer its shares then it needs to have such shares in dematerialised form.
The Rule also makes it mandatory for the unlisted public company to facilitate its existing shareholders in the dematerialisation of their shares. The unlisted public companies to obtain the International Security Identification Number for its securities.
We are SEBI Regi. Registrar and Transfer Agents
Mindex is the fastest and most efficient Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (SEBI Registered) in India. We offer complete, integrated execution of transfer agent and share registry services, including recordkeeping, dividend disbursement, annual meeting services, and high-touch management of shareholder relationships.
we protect the integrity of critical shareholder data, provide the industry’s leading management resources, and ensure that the highest quality operational processes yield tangible financial benefits.
Our RTA services include providing solutions for:
* Reconciliation of data shareholder from the Depositories
* Processing of Demat/Rematrequests from the Depository Participants
* Maintain backup of data as required by depositories–
* Registering and processing power of attorney/ECS mandate/ nomination /change of address
* Payment and reconciliation of Dividends and other cash corporate actions*Settlement of shareholder queries and gradiences
* Dematerialising / Converting physical shares into electronic format
* Securely facilitate transactions and trade transfers
* Maintain the record related to ownership and pledging of shares
* Ensuring investments are held electronically are safe and secure
* Securely facilitate transactions and trade transfers
* Maintain the record related to ownership and pledging of shares